Chelsea Krause
Voice Actor
Audio Drama
Over 82 million people listened to podcast in 2021 and that number is expected to reach over 100 million active listeners by 2024. Back in 2006 only 22 percent of Americans knew what a podcast was, by comparison to over 79 percent today! As a fast growing and ever evolving media, audio fiction podcasts are being produced now more than ever before! Audio dramas harken back to the days of radio plays and require strong actors. With Chelsea Krause's background in theatre and performance it's no wonder that audio fiction podcasting is among the most popular genre she performs in! Her style can create both subtle, nuanced performances as well as larger- than- life - comedic roles. Chelsea's versatility and wide voice range also lends itself well to the medium. In fact, in a single podcast alone- Lucidus Somnia- she provided 20 unique voices! Chelsea has also been nominated for two Audio Verse awards for her role as Dr. Lauren Wood in the Oasis Transmissions. Audio dramas are a medium Chelsea takes great care and pride in, and she knows your podcast would be no exception!